Friday, June 18, 2010

J.'s Weekly Calender

Dear all,
today I am presenting you J.'s weekly calender.
The idea is to help J. understand his schedule better.

We have bought a magnetic pinboard at IKEA and painted it.
The colors we use for each day are following the colors they use at special handicapped schools here in the area. (Montag = Monday, Dienstag = Tuesday.....), just the Sunday is a bit too pink and not rose.
The pictures for each day's activities (speech therapy, pre-school, swim training....) are laminated together with little magnets. For special events like "Granny visits", vacation, holidays we have extra cards.
We have ordered those little magnets from an online shop in China, they are really cheap.


  1. If you want to have the URL of the online shop - just mail me :-)

  2. This is great! When did you start introducing pictures as points of reference? Our SLP just made us a little photo album, not sure if it helps yet but my son does seem interested in it due to its familiarity.

  3. Hi p.,
    we started with photo books about 2 years ago. Those were the only picture books he liked at all. We have made 3 up to now and I plan making another one with recent photos. I made the weekly calender last summer.
