Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Heidelberg parental training

I do not know if this kind of training is something specific German. But I will try to explain what it is about: Maybe you find something similar for you in your country.
The training helps to find out reasons for a delayed speech. You learn how to behave speech supportingly to your child: This means you learn how to look at picture books and how to support your child's speech while playing. You learn finger games and little songs.

At the moment we are participating the training for globally delayed kids.
I am not 100% convinced of this training as we have investigated a lot on that topic already. Therefore there is not much new we take from the training. But I guess it is great for parents who have not yet dealt much with language delay etc.

Our problem is that the training focusses on picture books, but J. is not interested in picture books at all. They do not show many alternatives to books and practical hints. And he is far to old for finger games.

Therefore I am a bit disappointed as I was really interested in that promising training.


  1. There is a similar program here called "It Takes Two to Talk". I haven't done it yet but it's designed to teach the parents how to interact with a child with speech delay - strategies and tips, that kind of thing.

    Would he be interested in photographs of things he knows well (like a favourite toy or food or person)? I found textured books with furry animals (that he can pet) help a little.

  2. Hi p.,
    my son loves "homemade photobooks". We have made 4 by now with pictures of our cats, house, car,Grannies, us....
    Sometimes they work and he flips through the pages but overall he prefers his jigsaws and Lego Duplo. We try to accompany his play by word (e.g. there is a cow in the jigsaw we say "look a cow, muuuuuh".)
