This is a collection of links on the Creatine Transport Defect
Linkliste zum Kreatintransporterdefekt
Viele der Texte zum Thema sind leider nur in Englisch verfügbar
- JM van de Kampa,GMS Mancinib, PJW Pouwelsc,OT Betsaleld, JMvanDoorend, I de Koninge,ME Steenwegf, C Jakobsd,MS van der Knaapfand GS Salomons:Clinical features and Y-inactivation in females heterozygous for creatine transporter defect
- Almeida, L., Rosenberg, E. Verhoeven, N. Jakobs, C., Salomons, G. , Are Cerebral Creatine Deficiency Syndroms on the Radar Screen? - Matthew R. Skelton, Tori L. Schaefer, Devon L. Graham, Ton J. deGrauw, Joseph F. Clark, Michael T. Williams, Charles V. Vorhees: Creatine Transporter (CrT; Slc6a8) Knockout Mice as a Model of Human CrT Deficiency;jsessionid=C0B0806E3FE3D12DF307186566F3E4DF.ambra01
- Sylvia Stöckler-Ipsiroglu: Creatine Deficiency Syndromes clinical presentation
- Clinical features and X-inactivation in females heterozygous for creatine transporter defect - PIKfyve in the SGK1 Mediated Regulation of the Creatine Transporter SLC6A8 - Kreatinmangelsyndrome - X-Linked Creatine-Transporter Gene (SLC6A8) Defect: A New Creatine-Deficiency Syndrome
Blogs /Facbook über Kreatin-Transporter Defekt, GAMT, AGAT
Blogs / Facebook on Creatine Transport Deficiency, GAMT, AGAT
- Kreatin Transporter Defekt / Creatine Transporter Deficiency
- GAMT - All creatine diseases / Alle Kreatindefekte!/home.php?sk=group_127389967322193.